Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mean, Median, Mode and Range!

To teach these skills start with definitions!
Mean- When you add all the numbers together and divide by the total! 
Median- Line up the numbers from largest to smallest and the median is the number in the middle!
Mode- Most often occurring number!
Range- The smallest number subtracted from the largest number!

Students love to look at information about themselves and their classmates! You could show their test scores (depending on how well the test went and how comfortable the class is), their height, their number of siblings, anything that fits your class!!

In our class we did an activity with paper clips!
We all had a different number of paperclips and then found the mean, median and mode while being up and moving which helps kids learn and remember! 
To find the MEDIAN you would have the class line up in order of how many paper clips each student has! Then one by one have the lowest number student and the highest number student go back to their seat until one or two students is left! That number is the MEDIAN

To find the MODE you would have the students line up again and see which number has the most students!

To find the MEAN you would have the students go around and meet with other students and equal out their paperclips until all the students have the same number of paperclips!

The RANGE would just be found by taking the highest number and subtracting the lowest number!

This activity is great for students because it gets them out of their seat, talking to each other and learning through motion!!!

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